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Baptist Schools Offering Associate's Degrees in West Virginia

West Virginia Associate's Degree SchoolsOffered In
West Virginia is an OK place to get your Baptist associate's degree. The only college offering that opportunity in West Virginia is Alderson Broaddus University. This school offers a good Baptist associate's degree program - three stars for curriculum and four-star rating for teaching.

There might be other Baptist schools in West Virginia meeting your educational requirements. Use the links below to learn about Baptist school options in West Virginia and in USA.

West Virginia Baptist associate's degree schools:

Alderson Broaddus University - Baptist School Ranking
1. Alderson Broaddus University

Located in Philippi, 4 associate's programs

Baptist associate's degrees in nearby states:

Liberty University - Baptist School Ranking
Liberty University

Located in Lynchburg, VA, 15 associate's programs

The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary - Baptist School Ranking
The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary

Located in Louisville, KY, 1 associate's program

University of the Cumberlands - Baptist School Ranking
University of the Cumberlands

Located in Williamsburg, KY, 12 associate's programs

Campbellsville University - Baptist School Ranking
Campbellsville University

Located in Campbellsville, KY, 6 associate's programs

Eastern University - Baptist School Ranking
Eastern University

Located in Saint Davids, PA, 3 associate's programs

Clarks Summit University - Baptist School Ranking
Clarks Summit University

Located in Clarks Summit, PA, 4 associate's programs

Bluefield University - Baptist School Ranking
Bluefield University

Located in Bluefield, VA, 1 associate's program

West Virginia Baptist associate's degrees by major:

Business: 1 Baptist school
Computer: 1 Baptist school
Education: 1 Baptist school
Medical: 1 Baptist school

Other Baptist diplomas in WV:

Bachelor's Degrees: 1 Baptist school
Master's Degrees: 2 Baptist schools

West Virginia Baptist schools by city:

Mount Hope: 1 Baptist school
Philippi: 1 Baptist school

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Baptist Associate's Degrees
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