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Baptist Dance Schools - 2024 Ranking

In 2024, we have evaluated 11 Baptist schools offering dance programs. Dance majors are the most popular in Texas (3 schools), Tennessee (2 schools), South Carolina (2 schools), and Pennsylvania (1 school).

The best dance program in the United States is offered by Belmont University. That Baptist school has an excellent dance program - five stars for curriculum and five-star rating for teaching also.

The list of the Top 11 Baptist dance schools is below. To compare all Baptist dance schools, please narrow your search by state or desired diploma.

Top 11 Baptist dance schools:

Belmont University - Baptist School Ranking
1. Belmont University

Located in Nashville, Tennessee

Anderson University - Baptist School Ranking
2. Anderson University

Located in Anderson, South Carolina

Campbell University - Baptist School Ranking
3. Campbell University

Located in Buies Creek, North Carolina

Eastern University - Baptist School Ranking
4. Eastern University

Located in Saint Davids, Pennsylvania

North Greenville University - Baptist School Ranking
5. North Greenville University

Located in Tigerville, South Carolina

Carson Newman University - Baptist School Ranking
6. Carson Newman University

Located in Jefferson City, Tennessee

Hardin Simmons University - Baptist School Ranking
7. Hardin Simmons University

Located in Abilene, Texas

Missouri Baptist University - Baptist School Ranking
8. Missouri Baptist University

Located in Saint Louis, Missouri

Howard Payne University - Baptist School Ranking
9. Howard Payne University

Located in Brownwood, Texas

East Texas Baptist University - Baptist School Ranking
10. East Texas Baptist University

Located in Marshall, Texas

Bluefield University - Baptist School Ranking
11. Bluefield University

Located in Bluefield, Virginia

Baptist dance schools by state:

Schools by State1 Baptist Dance Schools in Missouri1 Baptist Dance Schools in North Carolina1 Baptist Dance Schools in Pennsylvania2 Baptist Dance Schools in South Carolina2 Baptist Dance Schools in Tennessee3 Baptist Dance Schools in Texas1 Baptist Dance Schools in Virginia

Baptist dance schools by diploma:

Bachelor's Degrees: 11 Baptist schools

Baptist dance schools by region:

Midwest: 1 Baptist school
Northeast: 1 Baptist school
South: 9 Baptist schools
Southeast: 6 Baptist schools

Other Baptist programs:

Accounting: 58 Baptist schools
Aerospace: 3 Baptist schools
Agriculture: 1 Baptist school
Architecture: 3 Baptist schools
Arts: 54 Baptist schools
Beauty: 1 Baptist school
Biology: 66 Baptist schools
Business: 81 Baptist schools
Chemistry: 47 Baptist schools
Computer: 58 Baptist schools
Construction: 1 Baptist school
Economics: 23 Baptist schools
Education: 81 Baptist schools
Electrical: 2 Baptist schools
Engineering: 22 Baptist schools
Environmental: 28 Baptist schools
Fashion: 5 Baptist schools
Film: 13 Baptist schools
Finance: 41 Baptist schools
Fire: 2 Baptist schools
Flight: 5 Baptist schools
Geography: 1 Baptist school
Geology: 4 Baptist schools
Graphic Design: 30 Baptist schools
History: 62 Baptist schools
Hospitality: 5 Baptist schools
Interior Design: 9 Baptist schools
Journalism: 64 Baptist schools
Foreign Languages: 41 Baptist schools
Law: 20 Baptist schools
Literature: 66 Baptist schools
Management: 79 Baptist schools
Marketing: 50 Baptist schools
Massage: 2 Baptist schools
Mathematics: 63 Baptist schools
Mechanic: 1 Baptist school
Medical: 59 Baptist schools
Music: 66 Baptist schools
Nursing: 49 Baptist schools
Occupational Therapy: 28 Baptist schools
Performing Arts: 44 Baptist schools
Pharmacy: 10 Baptist schools
Philosophy: 42 Baptist schools
Physics: 22 Baptist schools
Police: 54 Baptist schools
Politics: 44 Baptist schools
Psychology: 73 Baptist schools
Secretary: 2 Baptist schools
Social Work: 53 Baptist schools
Sociology: 54 Baptist schools
Sport: 48 Baptist schools
Theatre: 44 Baptist schools
Theology: 51 Baptist schools © 2024 · Home · Terms of Use · Methodology