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Baptist Schools Offering Bachelor's Degrees in New York

New York Bachelor's Degree SchoolsOffered In
New York is an OK state to obtain Baptist bachelor's degree. The only one college providing such option in New York is Keuka College. This school offers a good Baptist bachelor's degree program evaluated with three stars for curriculum and four stars for teaching.

There may be more Baptist schools in New York fitting your requirements. Use the links below to look for Baptist school options in New York and in USA.

New York Baptist bachelor's degree schools:

Keuka College - Baptist School Ranking
1. Keuka College

Located in Keuka Park, 39 bachelor's programs

Baptist bachelor's degrees in nearby states:

Eastern University - Baptist School Ranking
Eastern University

Located in Saint Davids, PA, 30 bachelor's programs

Clarks Summit University - Baptist School Ranking
Clarks Summit University

Located in Clarks Summit, PA, 23 bachelor's programs

New York Baptist bachelor's degrees by major:

Accounting: 1 Baptist school
Arts: 1 Baptist school
Biology: 1 Baptist school
Business: 1 Baptist school
Chemistry: 1 Baptist school
Computer: 1 Baptist school
Education: 1 Baptist school
Environmental: 1 Baptist school
Journalism: 1 Baptist school
Foreign Languages: 1 Baptist school
Literature: 1 Baptist school
Management: 1 Baptist school
Marketing: 1 Baptist school
Mathematics: 1 Baptist school
Medical: 1 Baptist school
Nursing: 1 Baptist school
Occupational Therapy: 1 Baptist school
Performing Arts: 1 Baptist school
Police: 1 Baptist school
Politics: 1 Baptist school
Psychology: 1 Baptist school
Social Work: 1 Baptist school
Sociology: 1 Baptist school

Other Baptist diplomas in NY:

Certificates: 1 Baptist school
Master's Degrees: 1 Baptist school

New York Baptist schools by city:

Keuka Park: 1 Baptist school

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Baptist Bachelor's Degrees
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