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Baptist Schools Offering Certificates in Louisiana

Louisiana Certificate SchoolsOffered In
Louisiana is an OK state to obtain Baptist certificate. The only one college providing such option in Louisiana is New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary. This school offers a good Baptist certificate program - four-star rating for curriculum and three stars for teaching.

There may be other Baptist schools in Louisiana matching your requirements. Use the links below to learn about Baptist school options in Louisiana and in the United States.

Louisiana Baptist certificate schools:

New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary - Baptist School Ranking
1. New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary

Located in New Orleans, 2 certificate programs

Baptist certificates in nearby states:

Baylor University - Baptist School Ranking
Baylor University

Located in Waco, TX, 3 certificate programs

Mississippi College - Baptist School Ranking
Mississippi College

Located in Clinton, MS, 20 certificate programs

University of Mary Hardin Baylor - Baptist School Ranking
University of Mary Hardin Baylor

Located in Belton, TX, 2 certificate programs

Houston Baptist University - Baptist School Ranking
Houston Baptist University

Located in Houston, TX, 13 certificate programs

Dallas Baptist University - Baptist School Ranking
Dallas Baptist University

Located in Dallas, TX, 17 certificate programs

Hardin Simmons University - Baptist School Ranking
Hardin Simmons University

Located in Abilene, TX, 3 certificate programs

Wayland Baptist University - Baptist School Ranking
Wayland Baptist University

Located in Plainview, TX, 10 certificate programs

Ouachita Baptist University - Baptist School Ranking
Ouachita Baptist University

Located in Arkadelphia, AR, 2 certificate programs

Baptist Health College Little Rock - Baptist School Ranking
Baptist Health College Little Rock

Located in Little Rock, AR, 6 certificate programs

Louisiana Baptist certificates by major:

Theology: 1 Baptist school

Other Baptist diplomas in LA:

Associate's Degrees: 2 Baptist schools
Bachelor's Degrees: 2 Baptist schools
Master's Degrees: 2 Baptist schools
Doctoral Degrees: 1 Baptist school

Louisiana Baptist schools by city:

New Orleans: 1 Baptist school
Pineville: 1 Baptist school

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