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Welch College: Baptist Ranking 2024

Welch CollegeRanked
in the USA
Welch College is a very small not-for-profit Baptist college located in Gallatin, Tennessee. The school was founded in 1942 and is presently offering associate's, bachelor's, master's degrees, and certificates in 22 programs.

Welch College is somewhat expensive: tuition is around $23,000 per year. If you are seeking a cheaper alternative, check Affordable Colleges in Tennessee listing.

According to recent data analysis, Welch College area is safe; the college is reported to have an excellent rating for on-campus crime.

Based on 68 evaluation criteria, Welch College Baptist program ranks in Top 100 Baptist Schools in the United States and in Top 5 Baptist Schools in Tennessee. Major competitors for this school are Union University in Jackson and Cedarville University. Check the details about all twelve competing Baptist colleges as well as list of available Baptist majors and minors below.

Baptist programs ratings 2023-2024:

Overall rating:

Curriculum rating:

Teaching rating:

Safety rating:

School ranking:

#5 Baptist School in Tennessee
#24 Baptist School in the Southeast
#55 Baptist School in USA

Program rankings:

State Ranking

#4 Baptist Music Program in Tennessee
#4 Baptist Psychology Program in Tennessee
#4 Baptist Sport Program in Tennessee
#4 Baptist Mathematics Program in Tennessee
#4 Baptist Literature Program in Tennessee
#4 Baptist Business Program in Tennessee
#4 Baptist Education Program in Tennessee
#4 Baptist History Program in Tennessee
#4 Baptist Biology Program in Tennessee
#5 Baptist Management Program in Tennessee

Regional Ranking

#14 Baptist Sport Program in the Southeast
#20 Baptist Mathematics Program in the Southeast
#20 Baptist Music Program in the Southeast
#20 Baptist Biology Program in the Southeast
#20 Baptist Literature Program in the Southeast
#20 Baptist History Program in the Southeast
#21 Baptist Business Program in the Southeast
#21 Baptist Psychology Program in the Southeast
#21 Baptist Education Program in the Southeast
#22 Baptist Management Program in the Southeast

National Ranking

#32 Baptist Sport Program in USA
#43 Baptist Biology Program in USA
#43 Baptist History Program in USA
#43 Baptist Music Program in USA
#45 Baptist Mathematics Program in USA
#45 Baptist Literature Program in USA
#47 Baptist Business Program in USA
#48 Baptist Management Program in USA
#49 Baptist Education Program in USA
#49 Baptist Psychology Program in USA

More program rankings:

Check how Welch College ranks among graduate schools in Tennessee.

Contact information:

Welch College
1045 Bison Trail
Gallatin, TN 37066-8460
Phone: (615) 675-5255

Location map:

Welch College Location Map


Associate's degree

Early Childhood Education and Teaching
General Biology
General Business Administration and Management
Multiple Levels Teacher Education
Music Teacher Education
Secondary Education and Teaching
Sport and Fitness Administration

Bachelor's degree

Adult and Continuing Education and Teaching
Cellular and Molecular Biology
Cognitive Psychology and Psycholinguistics
Early Childhood Education and Teaching
Elementary Education and Teaching
English Teacher Education
General Biology
General Business Administration and Management
General Education
General English Language and Literature
General History
General Music Performance
General Psychology
History Teacher Education
Mathematics Teacher Education
Multiple Levels Teacher Education
Music Teacher Education
Other History
Physical Education Teaching and Coaching
Secondary Education and Teaching
Sport and Fitness Administration

Master's degree

General Education
Teaching Individuals in Elementary Special Education Programs

Post-master's certificate

Teaching Individuals in Elementary Special Education Programs

Local competitors:

Union University - Baptist School Ranking
Union University

Jackson, TN, 128 majors

Cedarville University - Baptist School Ranking
Cedarville University

Cedarville, OH, 73 majors

Mercer University - Baptist School Ranking
Mercer University

Macon, GA, 168 majors

Belmont University - Baptist School Ranking
Belmont University

Nashville, TN, 144 majors

Samford University - Baptist School Ranking
Samford University

Birmingham, AL, 132 majors

Baptist Health Sciences University - Baptist School Ranking
Anderson University - Baptist School Ranking
Anderson University

Anderson, SC, 122 majors

Gardner Webb University - Baptist School Ranking
Gardner Webb University

Boiling Springs, NC, 92 majors

The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary - Baptist School Ranking
University of the Cumberlands - Baptist School Ranking
University of the Cumberlands

Williamsburg, KY, 94 majors

Campbellsville University - Baptist School Ranking
Campbellsville University

Campbellsville, KY, 99 majors

Oakland City University - Baptist School Ranking
Oakland City University

Oakland City, IN, 27 majors

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