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Baptist Schools Offering Master's Degrees in Illinois

Illinois Master's Degree SchoolsOffered In
Illinois is a good place to obtain your Baptist master's degree. The only one college offering such option in Illinois is Judson University. This school offers an excellent Baptist master's degree program - five-star rating for curriculum and four stars for teaching.

There might be more Baptist schools in Illinois matching your goal. Use the links below to find Baptist school alternatives in Illinois and nationwide.

Illinois Baptist master's degree schools:

Judson University - Baptist School Ranking
1. Judson University

Located in Elgin, 6 master's programs

Baptist master's degrees in nearby states:

William Jewell College - Baptist School Ranking
William Jewell College

Located in Liberty, MO, 3 master's programs

Oakland City University - Baptist School Ranking
Oakland City University

Located in Oakland City, IN, 4 master's programs

Missouri Baptist University - Baptist School Ranking
Missouri Baptist University

Located in Saint Louis, MO, 16 master's programs

Southwest Baptist University - Baptist School Ranking
Southwest Baptist University

Located in Bolivar, MO, 8 master's programs

Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary - Baptist School Ranking
Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary

Located in Kansas City, MO, 3 master's programs

Faith Baptist Bible College and Theological Seminary - Baptist School Ranking
Faith Baptist Bible College and Theological Seminary

Located in Ankeny, IA, 2 master's programs

Ottawa University Milwaukee - Baptist School Ranking
Ottawa University Milwaukee

Located in Brookfield, WI, 10 master's programs

Maranatha Baptist University - Baptist School Ranking
Maranatha Baptist University

Located in Watertown, WI, 2 master's programs

Hannibal LaGrange University - Baptist School Ranking
Hannibal LaGrange University

Located in Hannibal, MO, 2 master's programs

Baptist Bible College - Baptist School Ranking
Baptist Bible College

Located in Springfield, MO, 1 master's program

Illinois Baptist master's degrees by major:

Architecture: 1 Baptist school
Business: 1 Baptist school
Education: 1 Baptist school
Management: 1 Baptist school
Music: 1 Baptist school
Psychology: 1 Baptist school
Social Work: 1 Baptist school

Other Baptist diplomas in IL:

Bachelor's Degrees: 1 Baptist school
Doctoral Degrees: 1 Baptist school

Illinois Baptist schools by city:

Elgin: 1 Baptist school

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Baptist Master's Degrees
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