Baptist CollegesAccountingAerospaceAgricultureArchitectureArtsBeautyBiologyBusinessChemistryComputerConstructionDanceEconomicsEducationElectricalEngineeringEnvironmentalFashionFilmFinanceFireFlightGeographyGeologyGraphicHistoryHospitalityInteriorJournalismLanguagesLawLiteratureManagementMarketingMassageMathematicsMechanicMedicalMusicNursingOTPerformingPharmacyPhilosophyPhysicsPolicePoliticsPsychologySecretarySocial WorkSociologySportTheatreTheology

Baptist Schools in the Midwest - 2024 Ranking

Our 2024 ranking contains 18 Baptist colleges offering majors in Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Minnesota, Missouri, Ohio, South Dakota, and Wisconsin. team ranks Cedarville University, Bethel University Saint Paul, and Ottawa University Kansas City (Overland Park, KS) the best three Baptist schools in the Midwest.

See the Top 18 Baptist schools in the Midwest below or narrow your search by program, state, or city in the Midwest.

Top 18 Baptist schools in the Midwest:

Cedarville University - Baptist School Ranking
1. Cedarville University

Cedarville, OH, 73 majors

Bethel University Saint Paul - Baptist School Ranking
2. Bethel University Saint Paul

Saint Paul, MN, 99 majors

Ottawa University Kansas City - Baptist School Ranking
3. Ottawa University Kansas City

Overland Park, KS, 43 majors

Judson University - Baptist School Ranking
4. Judson University

Elgin, IL, 44 majors

William Jewell College - Baptist School Ranking
5. William Jewell College

Liberty, MO, 54 majors

Oakland City University - Baptist School Ranking
6. Oakland City University

Oakland City, IN, 27 majors

University of Sioux Falls - Baptist School Ranking
7. University of Sioux Falls

Sioux Falls, SD, 67 majors

Southwest Baptist University - Baptist School Ranking
8. Southwest Baptist University

Bolivar, MO, 76 majors

Missouri Baptist University - Baptist School Ranking
9. Missouri Baptist University

Saint Louis, MO, 83 majors

Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary - Baptist School Ranking
Kairos University - Baptist School Ranking
11. Kairos University

Sioux Falls, SD, 4 majors

Faith Baptist Bible College and Theological Seminary - Baptist School Ranking
Ottawa University Milwaukee - Baptist School Ranking
13. Ottawa University Milwaukee

Brookfield, WI, 27 majors

Franklin College - Baptist School Ranking
14. Franklin College

Franklin, IN, 51 majors

Ottawa University Ottawa - Baptist School Ranking
15. Ottawa University Ottawa

Ottawa, KS, 51 majors

Maranatha Baptist University - Baptist School Ranking
16. Maranatha Baptist University

Watertown, WI, 38 majors

Hannibal LaGrange University - Baptist School Ranking
17. Hannibal LaGrange University

Hannibal, MO, 27 majors

Baptist Bible College - Baptist School Ranking
18. Baptist Bible College

Springfield, MO, 8 majors

Baptist schools in the Midwest by state:

Schools by State1 Baptist Schools in Illinois2 Baptist Schools in Indiana1 Baptist Schools in Iowa2 Baptist Schools in Kansas1 Baptist Schools in Minnesota6 Baptist Schools in Missouri1 Baptist Schools in Ohio2 Baptist Schools in South Dakota2 Baptist Schools in Wisconsin

Baptist programs in the Midwest:

Accounting: 14 Baptist schools
Architecture: 1 Baptist school
Arts: 12 Baptist schools
Biology: 12 Baptist schools
Business: 16 Baptist schools
Chemistry: 8 Baptist schools
Computer: 14 Baptist schools
Dance: 1 Baptist school
Economics: 6 Baptist schools
Education: 17 Baptist schools
Engineering: 4 Baptist schools
Environmental: 3 Baptist schools
Film: 1 Baptist school
Finance: 7 Baptist schools
Geology: 1 Baptist school
Graphic Design: 6 Baptist schools
History: 13 Baptist schools
Hospitality: 1 Baptist school
Interior Design: 1 Baptist school
Journalism: 15 Baptist schools
Foreign Languages: 8 Baptist schools
Law: 1 Baptist school
Literature: 14 Baptist schools
Management: 16 Baptist schools
Marketing: 10 Baptist schools
Mathematics: 14 Baptist schools
Medical: 9 Baptist schools
Music: 12 Baptist schools
Nursing: 10 Baptist schools
Occupational Therapy: 2 Baptist schools
Performing Arts: 8 Baptist schools
Pharmacy: 2 Baptist schools
Philosophy: 7 Baptist schools
Physics: 4 Baptist schools
Police: 9 Baptist schools
Politics: 5 Baptist schools
Psychology: 15 Baptist schools
Secretary: 2 Baptist schools
Social Work: 10 Baptist schools
Sociology: 7 Baptist schools
Sport: 8 Baptist schools
Theatre: 11 Baptist schools
Theology: 10 Baptist schools

Baptist schools in other regions:

Northeast: 3 Baptist schools
Northwest: 2 Baptist schools
South: 63 Baptist schools
Southeast: 47 Baptist schools
West: 11 Baptist schools

Popular Baptist school cities in the Midwest:

in Illinois:
Elgin: 1 Baptist school
in Indiana:
Franklin: 1 Baptist school
Oakland City: 1 Baptist school
in Iowa:
Ankeny: 1 Baptist school
in Kansas:
Ottawa: 1 Baptist school
Overland Park: 1 Baptist school
in Minnesota:
Saint Paul: 1 Baptist school
in Missouri:
Bolivar: 1 Baptist school
Hannibal: 1 Baptist school
Kansas City: 1 Baptist school
Liberty: 1 Baptist school
Saint Louis: 1 Baptist school
Springfield: 1 Baptist school
in Ohio:
Cedarville: 1 Baptist school
in South Dakota:
Sioux Falls: 2 Baptist schools
in Wisconsin:
Brookfield: 1 Baptist school
Watertown: 1 Baptist school © 2024 · Home · Terms of Use · Methodology