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Baptist Music Bachelor's Degrees in Iowa

Iowa Music Bachelor's Degree SchoolsIn 2024, we ranked 1 Iowa Baptist school awarding music bachelor's degrees, and Faith Baptist Bible College and Theological Seminary is the only option.

Check the only Iowa Baptist school granting music bachelor's degrees and Baptist colleges offering similar programs in the nearby states or consider other Baptist major or diploma.

IA Baptist music bachelor's degree schools:

Faith Baptist Bible College and Theological Seminary - Baptist School Ranking

Baptist music bachelor's degrees in nearby states:

Bethel University Saint Paul - Baptist School Ranking
Bethel University Saint Paul

Located in Saint Paul, Minnesota

Judson University - Baptist School Ranking
Judson University

Located in Elgin, Illinois

William Jewell College - Baptist School Ranking
William Jewell College

Located in Liberty, Missouri

Southwest Baptist University - Baptist School Ranking
Southwest Baptist University

Located in Bolivar, Missouri

Missouri Baptist University - Baptist School Ranking
Missouri Baptist University

Located in Saint Louis, Missouri

Maranatha Baptist University - Baptist School Ranking
Maranatha Baptist University

Located in Watertown, Wisconsin

Hannibal LaGrange University - Baptist School Ranking
Hannibal LaGrange University

Located in Hannibal, Missouri

Other Baptist bachelor's degrees in IA:

Education: 1 Baptist school
History: 1 Baptist school
Secretary: 1 Baptist school
Theology: 1 Baptist school

Iowa Baptist schools by city:

Ankeny: 1 Baptist school

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