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Baptist Schools in Alabama - 2024 Ranking

Alabama Baptist Schools2 Alabama Baptist colleges offer associate's, bachelor's, certificates, master's, and doctoral degrees in accounting, medical, and law and 34 more programs.

The best Baptist programs in Alabama are offered by Samford University. This Baptist college has an excellent quality programs: five stars for curriculum and five stars for teaching.

See top Baptist colleges in Alabama ranking below or narrow your search by program, desired diploma, or city in Alabama.

Baptist schools in Alabama:

Samford University - Baptist School Ranking
1. Samford University

Located in Birmingham, 132 majors

University of Mobile - Baptist School Ranking
2. University of Mobile

Located in Mobile, 56 majors

Baptist schools in nearby states:

Union University - Baptist School Ranking
Union University

Located in Jackson, TN, 128 majors

Mercer University - Baptist School Ranking
Mercer University

Located in Macon, GA, 168 majors

Belmont University - Baptist School Ranking
Belmont University

Located in Nashville, TN, 144 majors

Mississippi College - Baptist School Ranking
Mississippi College

Located in Clinton, MS, 134 majors

Baptist Health Sciences University - Baptist School Ranking
Baptist Health Sciences University

Located in Memphis, TN, 13 majors

William Carey University - Baptist School Ranking
William Carey University

Located in Hattiesburg, MS, 67 majors

Luther Rice College & Seminary - Baptist School Ranking
Luther Rice College & Seminary

Located in Lithonia, GA, 3 majors

Carson Newman University - Baptist School Ranking
Carson Newman University

Located in Jefferson City, TN, 136 majors

Welch College - Baptist School Ranking
Welch College

Located in Gallatin, TN, 31 majors

The Baptist College of Florida - Baptist School Ranking
The Baptist College of Florida

Located in Graceville, FL, 15 majors

Shorter University - Baptist School Ranking
Shorter University

Located in Rome, GA, 43 majors

Florida Memorial University - Baptist School Ranking
Florida Memorial University

Located in Miami Gardens, FL, 31 majors

Blue Mountain Christian University - Baptist School Ranking
Blue Mountain Christian University

Located in Blue Mountain, MS, 29 majors

Truett McConnell University - Baptist School Ranking
Truett McConnell University

Located in Cleveland, GA, 16 majors

Southeastern Baptist College - Baptist School Ranking
Southeastern Baptist College

Located in Laurel, MS, 2 majors

Trinity Baptist College - Baptist School Ranking
Trinity Baptist College

Located in Jacksonville, FL, 11 majors

American Baptist College - Baptist School Ranking
American Baptist College

Located in Nashville, TN, 4 majors

Brewton Parker College - Baptist School Ranking
Brewton Parker College

Located in Mount Vernon, GA, 17 majors

Alabama Baptist schools by program:

Accounting: 2 Baptist schools
Arts: 2 Baptist schools
Biology: 2 Baptist schools
Business: 2 Baptist schools
Chemistry: 1 Baptist school
Computer: 2 Baptist schools
Economics: 1 Baptist school
Education: 2 Baptist schools
Environmental: 2 Baptist schools
Finance: 1 Baptist school
Geography: 1 Baptist school
Graphic Design: 1 Baptist school
History: 2 Baptist schools
Interior Design: 1 Baptist school
Journalism: 2 Baptist schools
Foreign Languages: 1 Baptist school
Law: 1 Baptist school
Literature: 2 Baptist schools
Management: 2 Baptist schools
Marketing: 1 Baptist school
Mathematics: 2 Baptist schools
Medical: 1 Baptist school
Music: 2 Baptist schools
Nursing: 2 Baptist schools
Occupational Therapy: 1 Baptist school
Performing Arts: 2 Baptist schools
Pharmacy: 1 Baptist school
Philosophy: 2 Baptist schools
Physics: 1 Baptist school
Police: 1 Baptist school
Politics: 2 Baptist schools
Psychology: 2 Baptist schools
Social Work: 2 Baptist schools
Sociology: 2 Baptist schools
Sport: 1 Baptist school
Theatre: 2 Baptist schools
Theology: 1 Baptist school

Alabama Baptist schools by diploma:

Certificates: 1 Baptist school
Associate's Degrees: 1 Baptist school
Bachelor's Degrees: 2 Baptist schools
Master's Degrees: 2 Baptist schools
Doctoral Degrees: 2 Baptist schools

Alabama Baptist schools by city:

Birmingham: 1 Baptist school
Mobile: 1 Baptist school © 2024 · Home · Terms of Use · Methodology