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Baptist Schools Offering Nursing Associate's Degrees

In 2024, we reviewed 9 Baptist schools awarding nursing associate's degrees.

The best nursing associate's degree program in the United States is offered by Gardner Webb University. That Baptist school has an excellent nursing associate's degree program - four stars for curriculum and five stars for teaching.

Check the top Baptist schools offering nursing associate's degrees below or narrow your search by state.

Baptist nursing associate's degree schools:

Gardner Webb University - Baptist School Ranking
1. Gardner Webb University

Located in Boiling Springs, North Carolina

University of the Cumberlands - Baptist School Ranking
2. University of the Cumberlands

Located in Williamsburg, Kentucky

Campbellsville University - Baptist School Ranking
3. Campbellsville University

Located in Campbellsville, Kentucky

Carson Newman University - Baptist School Ranking
4. Carson Newman University

Located in Jefferson City, Tennessee

Southwest Baptist University - Baptist School Ranking
5. Southwest Baptist University

Located in Bolivar, Missouri

Missouri Baptist University - Baptist School Ranking
6. Missouri Baptist University

Located in Saint Louis, Missouri

University of Mobile - Baptist School Ranking
7. University of Mobile

Located in Mobile, Alabama

Hannibal LaGrange University - Baptist School Ranking
8. Hannibal LaGrange University

Located in Hannibal, Missouri

Baptist Health College Little Rock - Baptist School Ranking
9. Baptist Health College Little Rock

Located in Little Rock, Arkansas

Baptist schools offering other associate's degrees:

Union University - Baptist School Ranking
Union University

Located in Jackson, 3 associate's programs

California Baptist University - Baptist School Ranking
California Baptist University

Located in Riverside, 2 associate's programs

Baptist Health Sciences University - Baptist School Ranking
Baptist Health Sciences University

Located in Memphis, 1 associate's program

Bethel University Saint Paul - Baptist School Ranking
Bethel University Saint Paul

Located in Saint Paul, 1 associate's program

Liberty University - Baptist School Ranking
Liberty University

Located in Lynchburg, 15 associate's programs

Campbell University - Baptist School Ranking
Campbell University

Located in Buies Creek, 7 associate's programs

The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary - Baptist School Ranking
The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary

Located in Louisville, 1 associate's program

Baptist Missionary Association Theological Seminary - Baptist School Ranking
Baptist Missionary Association Theological Seminary

Located in Jacksonville, 1 associate's program

Eastern University - Baptist School Ranking
Eastern University

Located in Saint Davids, 3 associate's programs

Oakland City University - Baptist School Ranking
Oakland City University

Located in Oakland City, 6 associate's programs

Corban University - Baptist School Ranking
Corban University

Located in Salem, 2 associate's programs

Dallas Baptist University - Baptist School Ranking
Dallas Baptist University

Located in Dallas, 3 associate's programs

University of Sioux Falls - Baptist School Ranking
University of Sioux Falls

Located in Sioux Falls, 4 associate's programs

Clarks Summit University - Baptist School Ranking
Clarks Summit University

Located in Clarks Summit, 4 associate's programs

Oklahoma Baptist University - Baptist School Ranking
Oklahoma Baptist University

Located in Shawnee, 1 associate's program

Wayland Baptist University - Baptist School Ranking
Wayland Baptist University

Located in Plainview, 3 associate's programs

Baptist nursing associate's degrees by state:

Schools by State1 Baptist Nursing Associate's Degree Schools in Alabama1 Baptist Nursing Associate's Degree Schools in Arkansas2 Baptist Nursing Associate's Degree Schools in Kentucky3 Baptist Nursing Associate's Degree Schools in Missouri1 Baptist Nursing Associate's Degree Schools in North Carolina1 Baptist Nursing Associate's Degree Schools in Tennessee

Other Baptist nursing diplomas:

Certificates: 15 Baptist schools
Bachelor's Degrees: 48 Baptist schools
Master's Degrees: 31 Baptist schools
Doctoral Degrees: 13 Baptist schools

Other Baptist associate's degrees:

Accounting: 4 Baptist schools
Agriculture: 1 Baptist school
Arts: 6 Baptist schools
Biology: 3 Baptist schools
Business: 24 Baptist schools
Computer: 6 Baptist schools
Education: 17 Baptist schools
Flight: 1 Baptist school
History: 1 Baptist school
Journalism: 4 Baptist schools
Law: 2 Baptist schools
Management: 19 Baptist schools
Mathematics: 1 Baptist school
Mechanic: 1 Baptist school
Medical: 16 Baptist schools
Music: 4 Baptist schools
Occupational Therapy: 2 Baptist schools
Philosophy: 2 Baptist schools
Police: 10 Baptist schools
Psychology: 7 Baptist schools
Secretary: 2 Baptist schools
Social Work: 5 Baptist schools
Sport: 2 Baptist schools
Theatre: 2 Baptist schools
Theology: 7 Baptist schools

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