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Baptist Schools Offering Theatre Associate's Degrees

In 2024, we reviewed 2 Baptist schools offering theatre associate's degrees.

The best theatre associate's degree program in the United States is offered by Oakland City University. That Baptist school offers a great theatre associate's degree program - four stars for curriculum and four-star rating for teaching also.

Check the top Baptist schools granting theatre associate's degrees below or narrow your search by state.

Baptist theatre associate's degree schools:

Oakland City University - Baptist School Ranking
1. Oakland City University

Located in Oakland City, Indiana

Maranatha Baptist University - Baptist School Ranking
2. Maranatha Baptist University

Located in Watertown, Wisconsin

Baptist schools offering other associate's degrees:

Union University - Baptist School Ranking
Union University

Located in Jackson, 3 associate's programs

California Baptist University - Baptist School Ranking
California Baptist University

Located in Riverside, 2 associate's programs

Baptist Health Sciences University - Baptist School Ranking
Baptist Health Sciences University

Located in Memphis, 1 associate's program

Bethel University Saint Paul - Baptist School Ranking
Bethel University Saint Paul

Located in Saint Paul, 1 associate's program

Liberty University - Baptist School Ranking
Liberty University

Located in Lynchburg, 15 associate's programs

Campbell University - Baptist School Ranking
Campbell University

Located in Buies Creek, 7 associate's programs

Gardner Webb University - Baptist School Ranking
Gardner Webb University

Located in Boiling Springs, 1 associate's program

The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary - Baptist School Ranking
The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary

Located in Louisville, 1 associate's program

University of the Cumberlands - Baptist School Ranking
University of the Cumberlands

Located in Williamsburg, 12 associate's programs

Campbellsville University - Baptist School Ranking
Campbellsville University

Located in Campbellsville, 6 associate's programs

Baptist Missionary Association Theological Seminary - Baptist School Ranking
Baptist Missionary Association Theological Seminary

Located in Jacksonville, 1 associate's program

Eastern University - Baptist School Ranking
Eastern University

Located in Saint Davids, 3 associate's programs

Corban University - Baptist School Ranking
Corban University

Located in Salem, 2 associate's programs

Dallas Baptist University - Baptist School Ranking
Dallas Baptist University

Located in Dallas, 3 associate's programs

University of Sioux Falls - Baptist School Ranking
University of Sioux Falls

Located in Sioux Falls, 4 associate's programs

Clarks Summit University - Baptist School Ranking
Clarks Summit University

Located in Clarks Summit, 4 associate's programs

Oklahoma Baptist University - Baptist School Ranking
Oklahoma Baptist University

Located in Shawnee, 1 associate's program

Carson Newman University - Baptist School Ranking
Carson Newman University

Located in Jefferson City, 2 associate's programs

Southwest Baptist University - Baptist School Ranking
Southwest Baptist University

Located in Bolivar, 6 associate's programs

Wayland Baptist University - Baptist School Ranking
Wayland Baptist University

Located in Plainview, 3 associate's programs

Missouri Baptist University - Baptist School Ranking
Missouri Baptist University

Located in Saint Louis, 4 associate's programs

University of Mobile - Baptist School Ranking
University of Mobile

Located in Mobile, 1 associate's program

Faith Baptist Bible College and Theological Seminary - Baptist School Ranking
Faith Baptist Bible College and Theological Seminary

Located in Ankeny, 1 associate's program

Baptist theatre associate's degrees by state:

Schools by State1 Baptist Theatre Associate's Degree Schools in Indiana1 Baptist Theatre Associate's Degree Schools in Wisconsin

Other Baptist theatre diplomas:

Bachelor's Degrees: 41 Baptist schools
Master's Degrees: 3 Baptist schools

Other Baptist associate's degrees:

Accounting: 4 Baptist schools
Agriculture: 1 Baptist school
Arts: 4 Baptist schools
Biology: 3 Baptist schools
Business: 24 Baptist schools
Computer: 5 Baptist schools
Education: 17 Baptist schools
Flight: 1 Baptist school
History: 1 Baptist school
Journalism: 4 Baptist schools
Law: 2 Baptist schools
Management: 19 Baptist schools
Mathematics: 1 Baptist school
Mechanic: 1 Baptist school
Medical: 16 Baptist schools
Music: 4 Baptist schools
Nursing: 9 Baptist schools
Occupational Therapy: 2 Baptist schools
Philosophy: 2 Baptist schools
Police: 10 Baptist schools
Psychology: 7 Baptist schools
Secretary: 2 Baptist schools
Social Work: 5 Baptist schools
Sport: 2 Baptist schools
Theology: 7 Baptist schools

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